Good Insights:
A Collection of Short Mental Health Blog Posts
Motivation Monday: Values
One of the key components of happiness is living within your values. The first step is understanding what are the values you hold most important at this time of life. The link provided ( ) is a list of values you can look through to identify which values are the most important for you.
Once you identify the most important values for yourself, the next step is to identify how you can incorporate them more into your life. Below is an example to help you get started:
ADVENTURE: You can incorporate more adventure into your life by trying a new hobby, crossing things off your bucket list, trying new activities, etc. Make it a point to try out a new adventure every season!
GRATITUDE: This can be incorporated by recognizing the things in your life that you feel are going good. An exercise I like to do with gratitude is asking myself these questions at the end of the day:
What is a positive from today?
What is something I am looking forward to?
What is something I like about myself?
What is something that I am proud of myself for?
What is something that I am grateful for?
*For this exercise, you don’t have to come up with monumental things. It can be very simple!
INDUSTRY: With this value, I like to make it a point to look at what I am doing for my career. I like to focus on acknowledging the education I am engaging in, the research of different interventions, the productivity of doing my notes and billing…
I encourage you to take a look at the list of values. Journal about the values you identify as the most important to you and the ways you can implement them more in your life!